
writing a client frontend I started with mysql and migrated to postgres. Now I 
found out that there is a difference in the way joined queries are returned:

The query

 FROM persons LEFT JOIN addresses_reference ON 
persons.id=addresses_reference.refid_persons LEFT JOIN addresses ON 
addresses_reference.refid_addresses=addresses.id   LIMIT 106 OFFSET 0

The response from postgres in the API:

    address1 = "";
    address2 = "";
    city = "";
    firstname = Olaf;
    id = 5;
    lastname = Taschenbier;
    salutation = Frau;
    title = "";
    zip = "";

The response from mysql:

    persons.address1 = "";
    persons.address2 = "";
    persons.city = "";
    persons.firstname = Olaf;
    persons.id = 5;
    persons.lastname = Taschenbier;
    persons.salutation = Frau;
    persons.title = "";
    persons.zip = "";

This is especially an issue in cases where two tables do have identical 
fieldnames. What happens in such cases?

Is there a way or some setting on postgres server to tell postgres to use the 
fieldnames exactly as provided in the select?


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