Thanks, I just posted my response to my own question for the archives. I take 
it also that group by is faster than distinct on. If it is a substantial 
performance gain I have to work on this some more. A subquery I would expect 
would be much of a drag, so for all keystroke-updated list-tables this would 
not be suitable I think.

Am 12.03.2012 um 21:57 schrieb Bartosz Dmytrak:

> Hi,
> You can use one of windowing function:
> this could be rank() in subquery or first_value(vale any), but there could be 
> performance issue
> another solution could be boolean flag "default" in table address_reference 
> which should be unique for single company, I mean value true should be unique 
> - this could be reached by unique partial index on column refid_companies 
> with condition default = true
> hope Your pg version supports windowing functions (as I remember 8.4 and 
> above)
> Of course there is a solution with subquery which finds min id in table 
> addresses of each refid_companies in table addresses_reference and this 
> subquery is joined with companies table, but I am afraid this is not the best 
> one.
> Regards,
> Bartek
> 2012/3/12 Alexander Reichstadt <>
> Hi,
> the following statement worked on mysql but gives me an error on postgres:
> column "addresses.address1" must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in 
> an aggregate function
> I guess I am doing something wrong. I read the web answers, but none of them 
> seem to meet my needs:
>  FROM companies JOIN addresses_reference ON 
> LEFT JOIN addresses ON 
> What I did now was create a view based on above statement but without 
> grouping. This returns a list with non-distinct values for all companies that 
> have more than one address, which is correct. But in some cases I only need 
> one address and the problem is that I cannot use distinct.
> I wanted to have some way to display a companies list that only gives me the 
> first stored addresses related, and disregard any further addresses.
> Is there any way to do this?
> Thanks
> Alex

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