On Wed, Mar 21, 2012 at 12:04 AM, Geek Matter <geekmat...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> scott,
> thanks for quick response you mean allĀ  the dowmain .info and .org domains
> are using postgresql?

I am pretty sure he means the top level domains (registration, root
DNS server updates, etc) are all run off PostgreSQL.

In terms of raw performance, I would also recommend reading the
article on CNAF (1 Billion SQL queries a day) at http://pgmag.org/.
It may not be a web site....

Etsy also uses PostgreSQL.

My experience is that PostgreSQL performs quite well under extremely
varied loads.

However, I think you are asking the wrong question.  I think the key
questions are:

1)  What do you want in an RDBMS?

2)  What options are there available in both?

3)  What doors do I want to leave open in the future that one or the
other provides?

Best Wishes,
Chris Travers

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