On linux, you can also do a

cp -rpuv. source destination

or script, something like this in good old bash:

ls directory | grep file extension >> copy.txt
list=$(< /full path/copy.txt)
location=/target directory
scp $list user@host:$location

or rsync
rsync -avz --progress -e ssh user@host:source-directory/ /target-directory/
check the slashes at the end, without a new directory is created

Hope this is helpfull

Met vriendelijk groet, with kind regards

Henk Bronk 

On 21 mrt. 2012, at 02:42, dennis jenkins <dennis.jenkins...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 8:27 PM, Jeff Davis <pg...@j-davis.com> wrote:
> On Tue, 2012-03-20 at 22:21 +0100, Henk Bronk wrote:
> > actually rsync works fine on file level and is good for manual syncing.
> > it check really the files with the stat command, so a bit change will 
> > trigger the copy
> > in practice you need to keep an eye on compleetness of the rsync action.
> Rsync still needs to examine the entire file. It has no information to
> know that the file is the same on master and slave.
> We could try to give it the appropriate information on which it can make
> that assumption -- e.g. keep the timestamps the same so that rsync
> assumes the contents are the same. But that seems fragile and I don't
> see a good way of doing it, anyway.
> We need a way to take a base backup of just the catalogs, essentially,
> and leave the user data intact. Probably quite a few details to sort out
> though.
> Regards,
>        Jeff Davis
> rsync can take file that contains a list of files to sync.  Is there a 
> convenient way to generate such a control file?

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