On Wed, Mar 21, 2012 at 2:04 AM, Geek Matter <geekmat...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> scott,
> thanks for quick response you mean allĀ  the dowmain .info and .org domains
> are using postgresql?
> my background from SQL server which has powerful graphical tools for data
> modeling, replication, and etc.
> how about postgresql? does it has free graphical tools for modeling,
> replication ?

The biggest difference you'll find between postgres and a product like
sql server is that postgres is less tool driven (although there are
many great tools) but provides a richer programming environment.  If
database development is your objective as opposed to high level design
and administration, you'll find postgres to be the best product in the
market.  The price is right and the community support is fantastic.


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