Thus view1 must be returning 3 pairs of duplicate rows which are then being
combined into 3 individual rows during the de-duplication pass.


Dave J.


[] On Behalf Of salah jubeh
Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2012 11:26 AM
To: pgsql
Subject: [GENERAL] strange result with union 



Today, I have encounterd a strange result and I want to trace it but I do
not know how. I have two views having union as in q3. q1 returns 236 rows,
q2 returns 0 rows. I expected q3 to return 236 rows but I get 233 ... 

q1: select * FROM view1 -- reurns 236 rows

q2: select * FROM view2 -- returns 0 rows

q3: select * FROM view1 union select * FROM view2  --returns 233 rows

q4: select * FROM view1 union all select * FROM view2  --returns 236 rows

I knwo that the union operator filter out duplicate rows but  the intresting
part is that view2 returns 0 rows.

If I use UNION all I get the expected result which is 236 rows. I am almost
sure that view1 defenesion is dependent of view2 defnesion. for example I
can drop view2 without droping view1. and I can drop view1 without dropping

I am running on version "PostgreSQL 8.3.12 on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled
by GCC gcc-4.3.real (Debian 4.3.2-1.1) 4.3.2"


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