
It seems that the program is thinking I'm passing a table but instead I'm
passing a query. Now, I could put a hack in place, create a view and pass
that to pgsql2shp but I thought I'd ask whether anyone else has seen this
behavior and has a way to force / trick the program to treat the parameter
as a query.

I'm using this version $Id: pgsql2shp.c 5451 2010-03-22 19:38:40Z pramsey $
RELEASE: 1.5 USE_GEOS=1 USE_PROJ=1 USE_STATS=1 and run the command below
(I've truncated it for brevity), the sql runs fine in pgadmin.

pgsql2shp -h -f FileEg mydb "
10 as OPID,
'Name Here' as OPER_NM,
linedesc as SYS_NM,

and more ...

>From the server, the sql being passed to it is:
ERROR:  syntax error at or near "Name Here" at character 255

SELECT a.attname, a.atttypid, a.atttypmod FROM pg_attribute a, pg_class c,
pg_namespace n WHERE n.nspname = '
        m' AND a.attrelid = c.oid AND n.oid = c.relnamespace AND a.atttypid
!= 0 AND a.attnum > 0 AND c.relname = 'id1,
        10 as OPID,
        'Name Here' as OPER_NM,
        linedesc as SYS_NM,

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