Arvind Singh wrote:
> Help needed in parsing PostgreSQL CSV Log


> **However the main problem that is, the Log format is not readable**

> A Sample Log data line
> > 2012-03-21 11:59:20.640
",2012-03-21 11:59:20
> IST,2/163,0,LOG,00000,"statement: SELECT
> .\src\backend\tcop\postgres.c:900",""
> As you can see the columns in the Log are comma separated , But
however individual values  are not
> Quote Enclosed.
> For instance the 1st,4rth,6th .. columns
> **Is there a setting in PostgreSQL configuration to place quotes
around all columns in a Logfili
> I just want to update the columns so that all are within Quotes
> what happens wrong is when it reaches the column where sql statement
is place. it also has commas set
> for table columns. The log line is a mix bunch of quote-enclosed and
non-quote-enclosed column. is
> there is a configuration or utility to convert the non-quoted column
to quoted column

The columns that are not quoted are guaranteed not to contain a comma.
So it shouldn't be a problem to parse them.

In fact, it is quite easy. As an example, see here:
In the function parse_csvlog_entry, after the comment
"read next line after start timestamp from log file"
you can find code that parses such a line.

The code is in C, so it should be easy to port it to C#, which
is essentially Java, which has C-like syntax.

Laurenz Albe

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