On 28 Mar 2012, at 07:44, Guillaume Lelarge wrote:

> On Tue, 2012-03-27 at 18:51 -0700, leaf_yxj wrote:
>> create one function to let other user execute vacuum command. got such an
>> error. Please help. Thanks. Regards . Grace
>> rrp=> create function vacuum_f ( tablename char(100))                        
>> Returns char(100) AS $$                                                      
>> vacuum tablename;                                                            
>> $$ Language plpgsql security definer;
>> ERROR:  syntax error at or near "vacuum"
>> LINE 3:   vacuum tablename;
>>          ^
>> rrp=> 
> Well, first, it doesn't follow PL/pgsql guidelines. You need at least a
> BEGIN at the beginning of the function, and an END at the end.
> But even with this, you cannot use VACUUM in a function. Don't remember
> the reason why right now, but all you'll get is this error:
> ERROR:  VACUUM cannot be executed from a function or multi-command
> string
Because its not a transaction safe operation. 
Beside's , what's with the char(100) ? Function like that,you should use text 

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