On 28 Březen 2012, 16:38, Gregg Jaskiewicz wrote:
> They seem to claim up to 70% speed gain.
> Did anyone proved it, tested it - with PostgreSQL in particular ?

They do claim a lot of things, and most of the time it's along the lines
"Let's take this very specific case, let's assume these rather unusual
facts, let's run the benchmark on a slightly different hardware. And then
we'll choose the best of the results."

I've noticed that claim too (actually they claim 75%) and I've been
looking for the benchmark at
http://www.oracle.com/us/solutions/performance-scalability/index.html but
no luck :-(

I really don't expect such difference just due to switching to a different
kernel. There's a space for infinite number of tweaks there (using a
different default fs parameters, adding better support for the new Niagara
T4 CPU not available to RedHat yet etc.).

> They seem to run the same way as RHEL do, ie - you can download it for
> free, but pay for repo access. (thus updates).

Well, and they can change that any time they want ...


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