On Sat, 2012-03-31 at 13:21 +0200, Janning Vygen wrote:
> The OS was installed a few days before, the i installed the postgresql 
> instance. I configured my setup with a backup server by WAL archiving. 
> Then i tested some things and i played around with pg_reorg (but i 
> didn't use ist till then) then i dropped the database, shut down my app, 
> installed a fresh dump and restarted the app.

Hmm... I wonder if pg_reorg could be responsible for your problem? I
know it does a few tricky internal things.

> Is it still worth to make the copy now? At the moment everything is 
> running fine.

Probably not very useful now.

> No, i didn't found any in my postgresql dirs. Should i have a core file 
> around when i see a segmentation fault? What should i look for?

It's an OS setup thing, but generally a crash will generate a core file
if it is allowed to. Use "ulimit -c unlimited" on linux in the shell
that starts postgresql and I think that will work. You can test it by
manually doing a "kill -11" on the pid of a backend process.

> I have never done it before. But as everything runs fine at the moment 
> it's quite useless, isn't it?

I meant a backtrace from the core file. If you don't have a core file,
then you won't have this information.

        Jeff Davis

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