On Fri, Apr 20, 2012 at 12:19 AM, Yvon Thoraval <yvon.thora...@gmail.com> wrote:
> even if i rearrange de sequence by :
> "SELECT MAX(rowid) FROM items;";
> "SELECT last_value FROM items_rowid_seq;";
> then if last_value is lower than MAX(rowid) i set it to MAX(rowid) :
> "SELECT setval('items_rowid_seq', max(rowid)) FROM items;";

As a side point, I would recommend against doing this. Once you've
"used" a rowid, it's not worth reusing it. You'll save yourself some
headaches down the track if you simply ignore those odd gaps (ditto
the gaps that result from rolled-back transactions) and just DELETE
the rows you're throwing out without bothering to setval the sequence


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