On Fri, Apr 27, 2012 at 7:32 AM, leaf_yxj <leaf_...@163.com> wrote:
> I was asked to run a report to my boss all the activities running during a
> specific time range. I want to create a script to run it. I know I can query
> from  pg_stat_activity for my previous postgres version. But I can't find
> this system table in 8.2.15. Please help. Thanks. Regards. Grace.

According to the docs, the pg_stat_activity view should exist in 8.2:

But I think it's the wrong tool for finding "all the activities
running during a specific time range". I would instead recommend
setting log_min_duration_statement to 0, at least for the time period
you are interested in, so that you can be sure you are logging all


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