On Fri, May 18, 2012 at 5:58 PM, Bosco Rama <postg...@boscorama.com> wrote:

> The per-blob messages are missing whether we use the '-j2' or not and also
> regardless of number of '-v's we use.
> I'm glad they've reinstated some of the messages.  Previously there was
> a message per blob between the "restoring BLOBS" and "restored NNN large
> objects" messages.  It's a pity they've gone because we used them as a
> 'progress meter' of sorts.  They disappeared somewhere around 8.4.8 or
> 8.4.9 IIRC and, unfortunately, we are currently restricted to the 8.4.x
> series. :-(

FYI, some digging with git bisect pointed me to this commit:

which introduced the per-blob message I showed before, e.g.

 >> pg_restore: executing BLOB 126810

The above commit was made during 9.0dev, and doesn't look to have been
backported to 8.4. The 8.4 versions should display something like this
in verbose mode:

  pg_restore: restoring BLOBS
  pg_restore: restored 10 large objects
  pg_restore: restoring BLOB COMMENTS

i.e. no per-blob message. (I've verified the messages above are
similar on 8.4.1 and 8.4.11.) Maybe you were using a 9.0+ version of
pg_restore when you saw per-blob messages?


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