On Sat, Jun 23, 2012 at 5:15 PM, Joe Van Dyk <j...@tanga.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Jun 23, 2012 at 3:03 PM, Joe Van Dyk <j...@tanga.com> wrote:
>> How can I use row_to_json for a subset of columns in a row? (without
>> creating a new view or using a CTE?)
>> What I want returned:
>> {"email_address":"j...@tanga.com","username":"joevandyk"}
>> Note that there is no "id" column in the result.
>> create table users (id serial primary key, email_address varchar,
>> username varchar);
>> insert into users (email_address, username) values ('j...@tanga.com',
>> 'joevandyk');
> This is the best I can come up with:
> select row_to_json(f) from (select email_address, username from users) f;
>    {"email_address":"j...@tanga.com","username":"joevandyk"}
> Is there a cleaner way to do this?

you do it like this (it avoids the subquery):
select row_to_json(row(a,b)) from foo;

unfortunately this will anonymize the fields to 'f1, f2', etc in the
JSON. you can avoid that via composite type:
create type foo_t (a int, b text);
select row_to_json(row(a,b)::foo_t) from foo;


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