On 28/06/2012 12:53, Robert Buckley wrote:
> Hi,
> I have to create a script which imports csv data into postgresql ...and
> have a few questions about the best way to do it.
> The csv data is automatically created from an external database so I
> have no influence over which columns etc are downloaded.
> The csv comes without an fid field and has therefore no unique identifier.
> How can I best create a table for the import?  
> Would I first create a table without an fid and then after the import
> create a sequence and add the sequence to the table, then somehow update
> the fid field?
> could anyone show me the best way to do this?

Yes, you can do that - create the table initially without a primary key,
import the data, then do something like this:

alter table Anlagenregister_Aktuell_2011 add column fid serial;
update Anlagenregister_Aktuell_2011 set fid =

As an aside, note that the upper-case letters in the table name get
folded automatically to lower--case unless you double-quote it:



Raymond O'Donnell :: Galway :: Ireland

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