On 11/07/2012 13:58, martin soethof wrote:
> Hello
> I have the following situation.
> I used a postgres installer that can choose seperate paths for the
> normal postgres and the data folder.
> I used this because i wanted to share a database on an external hard
> drive between 2 computers.
> I installed it on PC #1, the normal postgres files are on my D drive,
> the data folder and its components are on the portable F drive..
> Tomorrow i will be sitting behind PC #2, how should i install it..
> If i do install it the same way, won't that overwrite the existing data
> folder on the F drive and thus result in loss of data or a corrupt database.
> Or will postgres-installation simply notice i already have a data folder
> there and ask if i want to share this?
> Could you please guide me through the path of how to install postgresql
> on the 2nd computer, so that both computers share their data in the same
> folder..

What platform are you on? From the above it sounds like Windows.

You might be able to do it as follows:

- Install Postgres on the second computer using a local path for the
data directory.
- Stop the database server.
- Restart it with the -D option pointing at the data directory on the
external drive.

Make sure that you use the same major version on both computers - e.g.
9.1, 9.0, etc.

I think this will work; though it's not something I personally would
do... it sounds a bit fragile.


Raymond O'Donnell :: Galway :: Ireland

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