On Aug 7, 2012, at 8:41 AM, Aram Fingal <fin...@multifactorial.com> wrote:

> I have a field which contains an interval value and I sometimes need to 
> represent the full interval (not a part) as a decimal number of months.  For 
> example, "5 years 6 mons 3 days" as "66.1 months".  I've been trying to 
> figure out how to do this and haven't found a definitive answer.  
> The following gives an approximation:
> round(cast(extract(epoch from time_interval)/2592000 as numeric), 2) || ' 
> months'
> The number 2592000 is seconds in a 30 day month.  Accounting for leap years, 
> etc. Google calculates it as 2629743.83.  The thing is that the 30 day month 
> number gives the right answer for short intervals while the Google number 
> gives the right answer for longer intervals (several years or more.) Is there 
> a better way?

Something like this?

select 12 * extract(year from ?) + extract(month from ?) + extract(epoch from ? 
- date_trunc('month', ?)) / 2592000

Ugly, but likely closer to accurate. You can't get actually accurate, of 
course, as you don't know how long a month is.

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