Good Afternoon,

I'm attempting to write a function that will duplicate a few records, but the 
catch is I need to have a mapping of the original pk to the new pk.  I know I 
can use the RETURNING clause to get the new ids... but how to map that to the 
original ones is escaping me.

< Setup >

CREATE TABLE testing (rid serial PRIMARY KEY, category text NOT NULL, name text 
NOT NULL, fk_parent int4);

INSERT INTO testing (category, name, fk_parent) VALUES ('cat1', 'one', NULL), 
('cat1', '', 1), ('cat1', 'one.two', 1);

SELECT * FROM testing;
| rid | category | name    | fk_parent |
| 1   | cat1     | one     | NULL      |
| 2   | cat1     | | 1         |
| 3   | cat1     | one.two | 1         |

< Duplicating the records >

INSERT INTO testing (category, name, fk_parent) (select category, name, 
fk_parent from testing where category='cat1') returning rid, category, name, 
| rid | category | name    | fk_parent |
| 4   | cat1     | one     | NULL      |
| 5   | cat1     | | 1         |
| 6   | cat1     | one.two | 1         |

< What I'm looking for >
| original_rid | rid |
| 1            | 4   |
| 2            | 5   |
| 3            | 6   |

< This doesn't work >

INSERT INTO testing (category, name, fk_parent) select category, name, 
fk_parent from testing as original where category='cat1' returning rid, 
category, name, fk_parent, original.rid;

Specifically, my goal is to be able to duplicate a subset of records and map 
any referenced foreign keys to the new ones from the copies. I could write a 
pl/pgsql function to loop through the records and build the mapping as I go, 
but I was thinking there might be a better way.  Any thoughts?


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