On 28/10/12 12:29, Leif Biberg Kristensen wrote:
  Søndag 28. oktober 2012 01.17.45 skrev Gavin Flower :
Also note that for features that are obviously complicated or advanced,
Postgres tends to a lot better than MySQL.
It's like comparing BASIC to C. BASIC has a low threshold, but you will very
quickly bump your head against the wall.

MySQL, the BASIC of db engines?

regards, Leif

I have used both MySQL & Postgres: I feel a lot more comfortable with Postgres, as it seems to be both simpler and more sophisticated. MySQL has several DB engines for different purposes, Postgres has just one that appears to be more capable than the collection of features from all the MySQL DB engines combined. In the last 12 years I've gone looking for comparisons between them 3 times; and each time, Postgres comes out better overall.


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