Hi Jürgen,

am 31.10.2012 um 15:24 schrieb Jürgen Fuchsberger 

> The replica is backed up once a week using rsync, a full backup runs about 10 
> hours, so I also keep at least 24h of WAL files to make sure I have a 
> consistent backup.
> The backup process also runs fine without errors, only the time (10h) it 
> takes is quite long, so I decided to test the backup:


> The backup is corrupt. So my question is, what went wrong:
> Obviously as the rsync started it copied everything from the pg_clog (which 
> at this point was until pg_clog/01DC) and then went on for another 10+ hours 
> backing up all the rest of the database. At the time the backup ended, the 
> database content changed but the newer clog files did not go into the backup.
> When restoring the backup and starting the server, the recovery process 
> started at a point where pg_clog was at state 01DE or even further and thus 
> the data from 01DD was missing.

It sounds as if the standby server is running while you take its backup. I'm 
not sure it is possible to make a consistent backup this way if this is the 
I would stop the standby, make the backup and then continue.


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