Hi all:

What confused me is that:  When I select data using order by  clause, I got
the following execution plan:

postgres=# set session


postgres=# explain SELECT * FROM pg_proc ORDER BY



 Index Scan using pg_proc_oid_index on pg_proc  (cost=0.00..321.60
rows=2490 width=552)



My Question is :

 If I want to find record using the where clause which hold the id column,
the index scan might be used.

But  I just want to get all the  records on sorted output format,  Why
index scan can be used here?

I can’t imagine  that:

Step 1 Index is read into memory, then for each tuple in it,

Step 2 Then we got  the address of  related data block, and then access the
data block .

Step 2 will be repeated for many times. I think it is not efficient.

But comparing with sort , I got that  even index scan with all the entry ,
the cost is still lower than sort operation:

postgres=# set session enable_indexscan=false;


postgres=# explain SELECT * FROM pg_proc ORDER BY oid;

                            QUERY PLAN


 Sort  (cost=843.36..849.59 rows=2490 width=552)

   Sort Key: oid

   ->  Seq Scan on pg_proc  (cost=0.00..86.90 rows=2490 width=552)

(3 rows)


That is to say: cost of seq scan + sort   > cost of  index scan for every
index entry  + cost of access for every related data ?

Maybe the database system is clever enough to  accumulate data access for
same physical page, and  reduce the times of physical page acess ?

And can somebody kindly give  some more detailed information which help to
know the execution plan calculation process?

Thanks in advance.

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