Am 2012-11-13 14:53, schrieb François Beausoleil:

I've found an old thread on OpenVZ:


And a more recent question that scared me a bit:


On the PostgreSQL general mailing list, I've only found 54 results
when searching for OpenVZ. I'm wondering if OpenVZ is simply
unpopular, or not used at all for PG. What experiences do you have
with OpenVZ? Any performance problems?

We're buying bare metal to run our clusters on, and the supplier is
late delivering the machines. They suggested lending us a machine and
run PostgreSQL under OpenVZ. When the real hardware is ready, we'd
migrate the VZ over to the new physical servers. Thoughts on this?

I have no experience with OpenVZ itself, so if you have general
comments about it's stability and/or performance, even unrelated to
PostgreSQL, I'd appreciate.

Running a small PG-Server for private purposes on openVZ. Cannot complain so far.


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