On 2012-11-21, Matthew Vernon <matthew.ver...@sac.ac.uk> wrote:
> t...@sss.pgh.pa.us (Tom Lane) writes:
>> Matthew Vernon <matthew.ver...@sac.ac.uk> writes:
>>> naiively, you might try:
>>> \set pwd '\'' `pwd` '\''
>>> COPY table FROM :pwd || '/relative/path/to/data' ;
>> Umm ... why don't you just use a relative path as-is, with \copy
>> instead of COPY?
> Thanks for the suggestion, but I was avoiding \copy because the
> quantities of data involved are large, and the documentation suggests
> that COPY is better than \copy for large data volumes.

\copy  is translated to "COPY .... FROM STDIN"  by psql
performance should be almost as fast, you loose a little in the 
buffering and re-streaming, but not much.

⚂⚃ 100% natural

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