On Dec 9, 2012, at 22:20, Zbigniew <zbigniew2...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> As I read while googling the web, many people complained about this
> before. Couldn't it be made optional (can be even with "default ON")?
> I understand, that there are situations, when it is a must - for
> example, when the rest of queries rely on the result of first ones -
> but there are numerous situations, when just skipping a faulty query
> is all we need.
> A simple - but very common - example: I wanted to perform really large
> number of inserts - using transaction, to make it faster - while being
> sure the duplicate entries will be skipped.

And what happens if one of those inserts errors out for reasons other than a 

> Of course, this job will
> be done best by server itself, which is keeping an eye on "primary
> key" of the table. Unfortunately: not during a transaction! Any "dupe"
> will trash thousands other (proper) entries immediately.
> Why is this? My guess is, there is kind of logic in the code, like this:
> if { no error during query } {
>  do it
> } else {
> withdraw this one
> rollback entire transaction
> }
> Therefore my request - and, as I saw, of many others - would be just
> to introduce a little change:
> if { no error during query } {
>  do it
> } else {
> withdraw this one
>   rollback entire transaction
>  }
> }
> (if there's no ROLLBACK_ON_ERROR - it should carry on with the
> remaining queries)
> Is it really so problematic to introduce such code change, allowing
> the users to control this behaviour?

Since current belief is that such behavior is unwise no one is willing to give 
their time to doing so. I'm not sure whether that means that if you supplied 
such a patch it would be rejected.  Since their is a correct way to solve the 
duplicates scenario (see below) without savepoints you may wish to supply 
another example if you want to try and convince people.

> Yes, I read about using
> "savepoints" - but I think we agree, it's just cumbersome workaround -
> and not real solution, like my proposal. All we need is either a
> variable to set, or a command, that will allow to modify the present
> functionality in the way described above.

The true solution is to insert into a staging table that allows duplicates (but 
ideally contains other constraints that you do care about) and then de-dupe and 
insert into your final table.

> -- 
> regards,
> Zbigniew

This may be an undesirable instance of the database not allowing you to shoot 
yourself in the foot but as ignoring errors is bad practice motivation to allow 
it is small.  You should always be able to import the data without errors into 
an explicitly defined table and then write queries to convert between the input 
format and the final format - explicitly making no coding the necessary 
translation decisions and procedures.  In that way you always know that your 
import routine is always working as expected and not guessing whether it was 
the known error condition or an unknown condition the caused a record to go 

David J.

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