In past PG upgrades, we've done a pg_dump on the current version, then a pg_restore on the new version. But during the 8.4 to 9.2 upgrade (on Linux x64), we ran into issues with the permissions associated with the large objects after the restore.

Is this something new or were we just "lucky" before?

Our postmaster runs many databases, with each database owned by the PG admin, but we normally just used a set of GRANT statements to provide appropriate access control to the application user. In our each, each database has it's own application user which accesses the DB for a web app (and for convenience, the DBNAME and DBUSER are the same name).

Our pg_dump command is basically: pg_dump --format=c --oids DBNAME

Our pg_restore is basically: pg_restore -v -O -d DBNAME

Should we be doing this differently now as we never found an issue before this somewhat significant update from 8.4 to 9.2?

We resolved the issue from a posting we saw online that basically suggested this resolution after the restore with psql:

do $$
declare r record;
for r in select loid from pg_catalog.pg_largeobject loop
execute 'ALTER LARGE OBJECT ' || r.loid || ' OWNER TO DBUSER';
end loop;

Thanks for any good pointers or tips on this.


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