2012/12/24 Philipp Kraus <philipp.kr...@flashpixx.de>:
> I need some ideas for creating a PG based logger. I have got a
> job, which can run more than one time. So the PK is at the
> moment jobid & cycle number.  The inserts in this table are in
> parallel with the same username from different host
> (clustering). The user calls in the executable "myprint" and
> the message will insert into this table, but at the moment I
> don't know a good structure of the table. Each print call can
> be different length, so I think a text field is a good choice,
> but I don't know how can I create a good PK value. IMHO a
> sequence can be create problems that I'm logged in with the
> same user on multiple hosts, a hash key value like SHA1 based
> on the content are not a good choice, because content is not
> unique, so I can get key collisions.  I would like to create
> on each "print" call a own record in the table, but how can I
> create a good key value and get no problems in parallel
> access. I think there can be more than 1000 inserts each
> second.
> Does anybody can post a good idea?

Why is it neccesry to have a primary key? What is the "cycle

For what it is worth, I put all my syslog in PG and have so far
been fine without primary keys. (I keep only an hour there at a
time, though, and it's only a few hundred megs.)

In the past, I have had trouble maintaining a high TPS while
having lots (hundreds) of connected clients; maybe you'll want
to use a connection pool.

Jason Dusek
pgp // solidsnack // C1EBC57DC55144F35460C8DF1FD4C6C1FED18A2B

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