
My PostgreSQL is 9.2.1 in Ubuntu 12.04, I need to set up a connection pool by 
using pgbouncer.

I used "apt-get install pgbouncer", after configuring it, I can now connect to 
pgbouncer and can use all pgbouncer SHOW commands,  however:

Q1) Is  version "1.4.2/bouncer" the right one for PostgreSQL 9.2?
$ psql -U postgres -p 6543 pgbouncer
        psql.bin (9.2.1, server 1.4.2/bouncer)
        WARNING: psql.bin version 9.2, server version 1.4.
        Some psql features might not work.
        Type "help" for help.
        No entry for terminal type "xterm-color";
        using dumb terminal settings.

Q2) if I try the general psql commands, I got errors
for example:
$ psql -U postgres -p 6543 pgbouncer
pgbouncer=# \l
        ERROR:  invalid command 'SELECT d.datname as "Name",
        pg_catalog.pg_get_userbyid(d.datdba) as "Owner",
        pg_catalog.pg_encoding_to_char(d.encoding) as "Encoding",
        pg_catalog.array_to_string(d.datacl, '\n') AS "Access privileges"
        FROM pg_catalog.pg_database d
        ORDER BY 1;', use SHOW HELP;

Q3) I can connect to pgbouncer by using "psql -U postgres -p 6543 pgbouncer", 
however if I try to use "-d postgres", I got error:
$ psql -U postgres -p 6543 pgbouncer -d postgres  
        psql.bin: warning: extra command-line argument "pgbouncer" ignored
        psql.bin: ERROR:  no working server connection

Q4) Which port should I use in my application in order to connect to PostgreSQL 
via pgbouncer, port 6543 or port 5432?
the port value in pgbounce.ini: 
        postgres = port=5432 dbname=postgres
        listen_port = 6543
the port value in postgresql.conf: 

Please help!

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