On Tue, Jan 08, 2013 at 04:19:59PM -0600, Kirk Wythers wrote:
> I have a column of type TIMESTAMP, I'd like to query all records from 2011. 
> If it were text I could use a partial such as:
>       text ~ '2011'
> There must be a simple way to pull the year part out of a timestamp format. 
> Thanks in advance.

using partial checks (like extract, date_part, or even casting field to
date) will have problem with index usage.
the best way to handle it, is to write the parameters using date
where column >= '2011-01-01' and column < '2012-01-01'

do not be tempted to do:
where column >= '2011-01-01' and column <='2011-12-31'
which is very bad idea, and will cause data loss.

More on index usage:

Best regards,


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