After some hacking it solved my problems using
select date_part('days', age('06/01/2010'::date ,'04/01/2010'::date));


On Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 9:32 PM, Adrian Klaver <>wrote:

> On 01/28/2013 07:17 AM, c k wrote:
>> I know that. I have to check the period (dates entered by user) must be
>> correct and must be perfectly divisible by the interval given. This is a
>> pre-check for the interest calculation.
>> If user enters '01/04/2010' and '15/05/2010' as  the dates, and interval
>> as 'month' then, there are 15 days left and if the banking product is
>> set to calculate interest for a complete month only, then calculation
>> can result in wrong interest figures. So I have to check if given period
>> is perfectly divisible by the interval or not.
> I changed the dates to match my date_style.
> test=> select age('05/15/2010'::date ,'04/01/2010'::date)
> test-> ;
>       age
> ---------------
>  1 mon 14 days
> (1 row)
> test=> select date_part('days', age('05/15/2010'::date
> ,'04/01/2010'::date));
>  date_part
> -----------
>         14
> (1 row)
> test=> select age('06/01/2010'::date ,'04/01/2010'::date)
> ;
>   age
> --------
>  2 mons
> (1 row)
> test=> select date_part('days', age('06/01/2010'::date
> ,'04/01/2010'::date));
>  date_part
> -----------
>          0
> (1 row)
>> Regards,
>> C P Kulkarni
> --
> Adrian Klaver

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