Le mercredi 30 janvier 2013 à 11:08 +0000, wolfg...@noten5.maas-noten.de
a écrit :
> Hi,
> I am trying to match items from 2 tables based on a common string.
> One is a big table which has one column with entries like XY123, ABC44, etc
> The table has an index on that column.
> The second table is, typically, much smaller
> select .... from tab1, tab2 where tab1.code = tab2.code;
> This works fine and fast.
> Now, as a variant, I have some entries like XY423A, XY423B, GF55A, GF55D in 
> the
> big table and want them to match XY423, GF55 in the second table
> Variants I have tried
> select  .... from tab1, tab2 where tab1.code ~ (tab2.code||'($|[A-Z])');
> select  .... from tab1, tab2 where tab1.code ~ ('^'||tab2.code||'($|[A-Z])');

Have you tried the substring function?

select  .... from tab1, tab2 where substring(tab1.code from 1 for 5) =

> both take an enormous time. In the better case that I can subset (e.g. all 
> candidates in table 2
> share initial "AX") I get back to manageable times by adding
>   and tab1.code ~ '^AX'
> into the recipe. Actual runtime with about a million entries in tab1 and 800 
> entries in tab2
> is about 40 seconds.
> Regards
> Wolfgang Hamann

Salutations, Vincent Veyron
Logiciel de gestion des contentieux juridiques et des sinistres d'assurance

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