First of all 7.1 is great! I'm using beta4 and it seems to be working
very well.

Thank's particularly for the SQL92 join syntax (though union joins
would be usefull).

I have a problem though and I'm not sure if it's a bug or not so I
thought I'd discuss it here first.

The synopsis of the problem is that date columns don't seem to be
working as dates when they're selected through a union view.

For example

  create table A
  ( id   INTEGER,
   date  DATE);

  insert into table  A values (1,'1 dec 1999');

  create table B
  ( id INTEGER,
   somedate DATE);

  insert into table B values (2,'3 jan 2000');

  create view C as
  select id,date from A
  select id,somedate from B;

   select * from C where date<'1 jan 2000';

  >  id        date
  >   1   '1999-12-01'
  >   2   '2000-01-03'

   select * from C where date<'1 jan 2001';

  >  id        date
  >   1   '1999-12-01'
  >   2   '2000-01-03'

Which seems strange especially as this:

  \d C

produces the following:

   >  Attribute | Type | Modifier
   >     -----------+------+----------
   >    id          | integer |
   >    date      | date     |

I've tried casting the date in various ways but none of it works.

Is this a bug or am I doing something gloriously stupid?

Nic Ferrier 

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