> If I am following the Notes section correctly in:
> http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.1/interactive/sql-revoke.html
> "If a superuser chooses to issue a GRANT or REVOKE command, the command
> is performed as though it were issued by the owner of the affected
> object. Since all privileges ultimately come from the object owner
> (possibly indirectly via chains of grant options), it is possible for a
> superuser to revoke all privileges, but this might require use of
> CASCADE as stated above."
> Try:
> revoke all on schema public from ak02 cascade;

Yeah, i read that before, but doesn't help:

db115150=# revoke all on schema public from ak02 cascade;
db115150=# drop user ak02;
FEHLER:  kann Rolle »ak02« nicht löschen, weil andere Objekte davon abhängen
DETAIL:  Privilegien für Schema public

Strange, isn't it?


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