hubert depesz lubaczewski wrote:
> So, I checked a backend on Linux, and found such thing:
> 2ba63c797000-2ba63fa68000 rw-p 2ba63c797000 00:00 0
> Size:             52036 kB
> Rss:              51336 kB
> Shared_Clean:         0 kB
> Shared_Dirty:         0 kB
> Private_Clean:        0 kB
> Private_Dirty:    51336 kB
> Swap:                 0 kB
> Pss:              51336 kB
> (this is part of /proc/<pid>/smaps).
> This is not shared memory, so it's local. It's not related to any files (in 
> such case first line would
> have path to file).
> What's more - this backend, during getting smaps copy was idle, and it's not 
> stats manager, or
> anything like this.
> How can this be diagnosed, to find out why there is so much private
> memory?
> In case it matters: it's pg 9.1.6 on linux 2.6.18-164.2.1.el5

What libraries are loaded in this backend (lsof)?
Maybe it's something non-PostgreSQL that's hogging the memory.

Laurenz Albe

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