Le lundi 08 avril 2013 à 09:36 -0700, Mike Christensen a écrit :
> This is the number one requested feature on Uservoice:
> http://postgresql.uservoice.com/forums/21853-general/suggestions/247548-materialized-views

I find this rather surprising, considering the fact that a properly
tuned database will return queries over millions of rows and multiple
joins in milliseconds, given the proper hardware.

I can see how a datawharehouse with terrabytes of data can make use of
them, but that is hardly a common situation. It seems to me many of
these people clamouring for materialized views would be better off
simply using a proprer data structure (and taking a few SQL courses).

Am I misguided?

Salutations, Vincent Veyron
Applications de gestion des sinistres assurance et des contentieux juridiques

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