On 04/20/2013 04:08 PM, Daniel Cristian Cruz wrote:
I think I didn't make it clear: the session memory usage is growing up
too fast, until all server memory got used and swap occurs.

Never saw something like that. The version is under a test enviroment
for a long time...

Thanks if someone could help me.

Before any one can help I would think more information is needed;

1) Is it on the same machine/OS as the old version?

2) What are the hardware specs for the machine?

3) Is it still in test mode or in production?

4) You seem to imply that in test mode everything worked alright, is that the case?

5) In either case, test/production, what is being done in the session(s)?

6) Is there anything in the Postgres logs that might shed light?

Daniel Cristian Cruz
クルズ クリスチアン ダニエル

Adrian Klaver

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