Hi all...

In my organisation we build PG from source on SLES11.2 using GCC 4.3.

Versions 9.1.x of Postgresql and earlier always passed all of the regression 
tests but 9.2.3 and .4 fail on the following :
Select views

This happens when using gmake check & gmake MAX_CONNECTIONS=10 installcheck

Mostly the fails are because the returned data order doesn't match the expected 
results. Another significant example is this output from the 'union' test :

      Mon Apr  1 19:20:36 2013
       Fri Apr 19 15:21:59 2013
*** 490,504 ****
    SELECT * FROM t2) t
   WHERE ab = 'ab';
!                     QUERY PLAN
! ---------------------------------------------------
!  HashAggregate
!    ->  Append
!          ->  Index Scan using t1_ab_idx on t1
!                Index Cond: ((a || b) = 'ab'::text)
!          ->  Index Only Scan using t2_pkey on t2
!                Index Cond: (ab = 'ab'::text)
! (6 rows)

  reset enable_seqscan;
  reset enable_indexscan;
--- 490,506 ----
    SELECT * FROM t2) t
   WHERE ab = 'ab';
!                        QUERY PLAN
! ---------------------------------------------------------
!  Unique
!    ->  Sort
!          Sort Key: ((t1.a || t1.b))
!          ->  Append
!                ->  Index Scan using t1_ab_idx on t1
!                      Index Cond: ((a || b) = 'ab'::text)
!                ->  Index Only Scan using t2_pkey on t2
!                      Index Cond: (ab = 'ab'::text)
! (8 rows)

  reset enable_seqscan;
  reset enable_indexscan;

Sorry for the rambling question : is this problem common, i.e. the expected 
results files need to be changed or... is it just me? :)


John Manning
Business & Application Services
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