On Thu, Jun 6, 2013 at 5:23 AM, Richard Huxton <d...@archonet.com> wrote:

> If you have a business e.g. selling books or train tickets or some such
> then you might decide it's better to have a simpler more robust setup from
> the point of view of providing continuous service to end-customers. In the
> (hopefully rare) event of a crash irreparably losing some transactions
> apologise to your customers and recompense them generously.

Unfortunately you probably no longer know who to apologize to, what for, or
how much to compensate them!

I guess when you reconcile your cc credits from the cc company recorded in
their system to the sales in your recovered system, you will have evidence
of the discrepancies.

Now I can't use an ecommerce without pondering all the ways something can
go wrong, and how to minimize/address them.



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