I was given a dump of an existing remote schema and database, and the
restore on my local system failed. Looking into it, I found a circular
parent-child/child-parent relationship, and I don't believe this existing
structure is viable. To summarize, the organization entity has an attribute
of creator, which is a foreign key to the user table, but the user has to
belong to an organization, which is a foreign key to the organization
table. Since neither are nullable, there is no way to create even an
initial record. My guess is one or both of the tables was first populated,
and then the FK constraint(s) created.

So, my question is just a request to confirm that I haven't lost my mind
and/or am missing something. Is there any way this could work? The relevant
table structures are listed below.

Thanks a million,

\d organization
                                          Table "project.organization"
     Column      |           Type           |
 organization_id | bigint                   | not null default
 name            | character varying(300)   | not null
 type_id         | bigint                   | not null
 description     | text                     | not null default '-'::text
 website         | character varying(500)   | default '-'::character varying
 date_created    | timestamp with time zone | not null default
 created_by      | bigint                   | not null
 date_updated    | timestamp with time zone |
 updated_by      | bigint                   |
    "p_key_org_id" PRIMARY KEY, btree (organization_id)
Foreign-key constraints:
    "f_key_org_org_type_id" FOREIGN KEY (type_id) REFERENCES
    "f_key_org_user_created_by" FOREIGN KEY (created_by) REFERENCES
    "f_key_org_user_updated_by" FOREIGN KEY (updated_by) REFERENCES
Referenced by:
    TABLE "program" CONSTRAINT "f_key_program_org_id" FOREIGN KEY
(organization_id) REFERENCES organization(organization_id)
    TABLE ""user"" CONSTRAINT "f_key_user_org_id" FOREIGN KEY
(organization_id) REFERENCES organization(organization_id)

\d user
                                      Table "project.user"
     Column      |           Type           |
 username        | character varying(100)   | not null
 password        | character varying(100)   | not null
 date_created    | timestamp with time zone | not null
 date_updated    | timestamp with time zone |
 updated_by      | bigint                   |
 created_by      | bigint                   | not null
 person_id       | bigint                   | not null
 organization_id | bigint                   | not null
 user_id         | bigint                   | not null default
 user_role_id    | bigint                   | not null
    "p_key_user_id" PRIMARY KEY, btree (user_id)
Foreign-key constraints:
    "f_key_user_org_id" FOREIGN KEY (organization_id) REFERENCES
    "f_key_user_person_id" FOREIGN KEY (person_id) REFERENCES
    "f_key_user_user_role_id" FOREIGN KEY (user_role_id) REFERENCES
Referenced by:
    TABLE "observation_parameter" CONSTRAINT
"f_key_observation_param_user_created_by" FOREIGN KEY (created_by)
REFERENCES "user"(user_id)
    TABLE "observation_parameter" CONSTRAINT
"f_key_observation_param_user_updated_by" FOREIGN KEY (updated_by)
REFERENCES "user"(user_id)
    TABLE "observation_tuple" CONSTRAINT
"f_key_observation_tuple_user_created_by" FOREIGN KEY (created_by)
REFERENCES "user"(user_id)
    TABLE "observation_tuple" CONSTRAINT
"f_key_observation_tuple_user_updated_by" FOREIGN KEY (updated_by)
REFERENCES "user"(user_id)
    TABLE "organization" CONSTRAINT "f_key_org_user_created_by" FOREIGN KEY
(created_by) REFERENCES "user"(user_id)
    TABLE "organization" CONSTRAINT "f_key_org_user_updated_by" FOREIGN KEY
(updated_by) REFERENCES "user"(user_id)
    TABLE "program_admin" CONSTRAINT "f_key_prog_admin_user_id" FOREIGN KEY
(user_id) REFERENCES "user"(user_id)
    TABLE "program" CONSTRAINT "f_key_program_user_created_by" FOREIGN KEY
(created_by) REFERENCES "user"(user_id)
    TABLE "program" CONSTRAINT "f_key_program_user_owner_id" FOREIGN KEY
(owner_id) REFERENCES "user"(user_id)
    TABLE "program" CONSTRAINT "f_key_program_user_updated_by" FOREIGN KEY
(updated_by) REFERENCES "user"(user_id)

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