We're seeing a problem with some of our processes hanging on locks.  The
select below makes it look like it's *waiting* for a ShareLock on
transactionid, but it *has* an ExclusiveLock on the same value in

That makes it look like the process has deadlocked on its own
transactionid.  Or are we reading the results of this query wrong, and this
is expected behavior, and our problem lies elsewhere? (Yes, the process is
doing a "select for update" on this context_objects table according to

production=> select locktype, database, relname, relation, virtualxid,
virtualtransaction, pid, mode, granted
from pg_locks left outer join pg_class on pg_class.oid = pg_locks.relation
where pid = 2288;
   locktype    | database |       relname        | relation |  virtualxid
 | virtualtransaction | pid  |      mode       | granted
 relation      |    41194 | context_objects_pkey | 95318843 |
 | 123/45694692       | 2288 | AccessShareLock | t
 relation      |    41194 | context_objects      |    41553 |
 | 123/45694692       | 2288 | RowShareLock    | t
 virtualxid    |          |                      |          | 123/45694692
| 123/45694692       | 2288 | ExclusiveLock   | t
 transactionid |          |                      |          |
 | 123/45694692       | 2288 | ShareLock       | f
 tuple         |    41194 | context_objects      |    41553 |
 | 123/45694692       | 2288 | ExclusiveLock   | t
(5 rows)

Kevin M. Goess
Software Engineer
Berkeley Electronic Press

510-665-1200 x179

bepress: sustainable scholarly publishing

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