On 07/24/2013 06:31 AM, Some Developer wrote:

Thank you all for the responses. I feel better about making use of them

Now for one final question: I was planning on using plpython2u to write
my stored procedures since Python is a language I am very familiar with.
I understand that many people would want to use plpgsql instead but
it'll be quicker for me to do it in Python.

Will there be much of a performance difference between the two at all?
Are there any very convincing arguments that will make me use plpgsql
instead or does it not really matter?

I have faced this choice also. What I found is that plpgsql tends to be more succinct for doing database operations, probably by virtue of being an 'extended' sql. plpythonu has developed more capabilities over time but there is still a translation portion, Python --> SQL --> Python. You will find that you will end up using both.

Adrian Klaver

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