> 1) What is your exact Postgres version i.e 8.1.5.?
V - 8.1.18
> 3) You also say it works fine in two environments, but not one.
> What are the environments?
> OS and version, memory, Postgres versions, etc.

It is working on most of the production system ( more than 100) but failed once 
in one of the system ( not always).
> OS and version, memory, Postgres versions, etc.RHEL 5.2 , 32 GB , 8.1.18 
 >Current value in colname = 5;
> Update tablename set colname = 0 where key = 18;
> commit , in parallel to above queries ( either vacuum or reindex of 
> table was running)
> After 10 sec following query is executed.
> select colname from tablename where key = 18 ;it is returning old value 
> i.e colname = 5.
> After another few seconds select colname from tablename where key = 18 
> ;it is returning new value i.e colname = 0.
> You say at the top the new value is 0, but show 5 as the new value at 
> the bottom.
Sorry it is returning new value ie 0 after some time. Corrected the above 


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