On 12 Feb 2001, at 10:10, Tom Lane wrote:

> > ERROR: Cannot insert a duplicate key into unique index 
> > pg_type_typname_index
> > The query causing it it's an innocent query that duplicates a table 
> > in a temporary one, i.e.
> > "select * into forum_clone from forums"
> I think you're probably trying to do two of these at the same time.
And you do think right. (And this should not came as a surprise, I 
would add :-)).
I've ascertained it doing a little stress-testing, and simply rethinking 
on the fact that I was doing a dumb thing... 

> I'll take a look to see if the order of operations can't be reversed so 
> that you get a more understandable complaint about a unique index on
> pg_class in this case.  However, the real answer for you is to be using
> a TEMP table if you are going to have multiple clients creating
> temporary tables at about the same time.  That avoids the name conflict.

Nope. This is the first thing I've tried after I've realized what was 
happening, but it does not work in a web environment, at least in a 
PHP based like mine; I think it scales down to PHP ways of 
optimizing connection pool (which, in effect, have given me some 
worry over time): if use a TEMP table and try to stress test the 
page (i.e. "hit furiosly F5 cycling to several explorer windows with 
the mouse" :-)) i got many errors complaining things such "table 
doesn't exist" or similar. Evidently the various TEMP tables of the 
various pages where mismatching, since they have a lifetime based 
on the concept of a "session" that's not 1:1 with the lifetime of a 
web page.

I resorted to handle the creation of the various tables at application 
level, creating temp tablenames with uniqueid() function. A little 
overhead but it works well.

Summarizing all this thoughts, the moral is that it's not been PG's 
fault (unless for a less-than-clear error message, but that's a venial 
sin :-)), that I should think more before screaming wolf, and that I 
really should study better the way PHP handles PG connection... 
there's some "hidden magic" in there that doesn't convince me. 

Thanks for you attention, as ever, and



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