Aram Fingal wrote:
> I want to create a user defined data type but have flexible input just like, 
> for example, the boolean
> data type where TRUE can be entered as any of (TRUE, true, T, t, YES, yes, Y, 
> y, 1...) and it will be
> interpreted as the same thing.
> So suppose I have days of the week:
> CREATE TYPE  days_of_week AS ENUM ('Su','M','Tu','W','Th','F','Sa');
> Except that I want 'MON', 'Mon', 'mon' and 'monday' all to be interpreted as 
> 'M' in the data type.
> What is the best way to do this.? Is that what input_function is for in the 
> CREATE TYPE command?  Do I
> need to create a trigger?

Yes, the type input function converts the string representation to the internal
representation, so that's where you'd implement that in a user defined data 

Laurenz Albe

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