On 08/21/13 16:03, Tom Lane napisa:
Ivan Radovanovic<radovano...@gmail.com>  writes:
I was checking for way to get object comments, and it seems that \dd has
bug when it comes to extracting descriptions for constraints.

That code looks right to me, and it works according to a simple test:

d1=# create table foo (f1 int primary key);
d1=# comment on constraint foo_pkey on foo is 'here is a comment';
d1=# \dd
                 Object descriptions
  Schema |   Name   |   Object   |    Description
  public | foo_pkey | constraint | here is a comment
(1 row)

What exactly do you think the problem is?

                        regards, tom lane

Problem is if you create table in schema other than public (I am not sure if \dd should show comments only for objects in public schema, I assumed not?)

db=# create schema test;
db=# create table test.foo (f1 int primary key);
NOTICE: CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "foo_pkey" for table "foo"
db=# comment on constraint foo_pkey on test.foo is 'here is a comment';
db=# \dd
         Object descriptions
 Schema | Name | Object | Description
(0 rows)

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