Le 2013-09-07 à 00:29, Steve Atkins a écrit :

> If I have a partitioned table that has some range constraints that look kinda 
> like they're intended for constraint exclusion, but aren't quite 
> non-overlapping, will that break anything?
> e.g.
>  create table jan ( …, check(created >= '2013-01-01' and created < 
> '2013-02-01'), check(id >=0 and id < 10000100) ) inherits(foo);
>  create table feb ( …, check(created >= '2013-02-01' and created < 
> '2013-03-01'), check(id >=1000000 and id < 20000100) ) inherits(foo);
>  create table mar ( …, check(created >= '2013-03-01' and created < 
> '2013-04-01'), check(id >=2000000 and id < 30000100) ) inherits(foo);
> Querying by created should be fine, and take advantage of constraint 
> exclusion, but will querying by id work? And if it does work, will it take 
> any advantage of those constraints at all, or just search all the child 
> partitions?

I don't know, but I suspect a quick EXPLAIN ANALYZE will tell you, even with 
empty tables.


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