Le mardi 17 septembre 2013 à 12:25 -0400, Adam C Falkenberg a écrit :
> Sorry about that.  Here's the driver information and some code. 

> Driver Name: PostgreSQL ANSI 
> Version: 
> constr = "Driver={PostgreSQL ANSI}; Server=servername; Port=5432;
> Database=databasename; Uid=username; Pwd=password;" 
> With conn 
>     .ConnectionString = (constr) 
>     .Open 
> End With 
> SQL = "SELECT data FROM pg_largeobject WHERE loid = " & id & " ORDER
> BY pageno" 
> rs.Open SQL, conn 
> stream.Type = adTypeBinary 
> stream.Open 
> ' Loop through the recordset and write the binary data to the stream 
> While Not rs.EOF 
>     stream.Write rs.Fields("data").Value 
>     rs.MoveNext 
> Wend 

You don't say where you use that recordset (Excel, Access?)

A google search will return several discussions about this problem; here
is an example :


Salutations, Vincent Veyron
Applications de gestion des contentieux juridiques et des dossiers de sinistres 

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