> Is this a quarterly report because that is how long it takes to run?

It takes about 7 seconds to run.  I suppose if I optimized it I could save
a minute every couple of years.

I usually get concerned about performance issues when they're actually
causing problems.  I'm generally more concerned about how long it takes to
write queries, and how cumbersome the SQL involved is.  And since arrays
are relatively new to me, I've been trying to understand generally the best
ways to query information out of them, or when their behavior just doesn't
make sense to me.  I'll say I answer 99.99% of my own questions before they
ever make it to the list, and by the time they do I invariably have read
the documentation as best as I can.  This has been my favorite list ever to
read, as people are invariably helpful, patient and polite to each other.

I would suggest considering how to use functions to encapsulate some
of the "medical
> code collecting" logic.  And consider WITH/CTE constructs as well, like I
> used in my last message, to effectively create temporary named tables for
> different parts of the query.

> Might want to move the whole thing into function and pass in the various
> parameters - namely the date range - instead of hard-coding the values
> into the view.

Thanks for these constructive suggestions.  I see benefits both ways.  And
the dates are actually parsed in by an app at run-time.  (I stripped that
part out to avoid confusion--I find it hard to know when submitting a list
item how much to just dump a full real example, and how much to simplify
down to a test case that illustrates the specific issue.)

On a smaller scale I've written queries like this.  I enrolled in a
> university database design course shortly thereafter...

until someone more knowledgeable (like a future you probably) comes back and

I'm not sure what the point of either of these comments were, but perhaps
they made you feel better.  Either way, thanks for taking the time to look
my stuff over and for the other comments and explanations you made.


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