That works too.  Point being ginkgo36 has his solution.
On 10/9/2013 12:07 PM, Pavel Stehule wrote:

2013/10/9 John Meyer < <>>

    On 10/9/2013 11:52 AM, David Johnston wrote:

        ginkgo36 wrote

            Hello everyone
              I have to reverse a string like EA;BX;CA to CA;BX;EA. or
            EA,BX,CA to
              Is there any function to do this?

            Thanks all!

        No.  You will have to write your own.

        David J.

    Based upon the example, it's probably very easy to use a
    split/explode in your language of choice (VB.NET <http://VB.NET>,
    perl, python, etc).

or SQL

select string_agg(u, ';' order by r desc)
   from (select row_number() over () r, u
                from unnest(string_to_array('EA;BX;CA',';')) u) x;
(1 row)



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