Carlo Curatolo wrote:
> SELECT oid, relname, relkind FROM pg_class WHERE relfilenode = 599662; -->
> returns nothing.

Maybe the wrong database?
Try to find out which object this file belongs to (maybe with oid2name).

> No crash occurs, I have tested the hardware (memory, harddisks, RAID5,
> stability test...)


> I have made a little program to read all the LargeObject of my tables, they
> are all readable.


> So, I restart postgreSQL with "zero_damaged_pages = on", lauch a vacuumlo
> and vacummdb, restart with "zero_damaged_pages = off", the  recheck all the
> LargeObject of my tables.

You mean, you ran pg_dumpall, created a new cluster and imported, right?

If you continue running the damaged cluster, the next problem
is waiting just around the bend.

> The error do no occurs anymore...
> Seems that the corrupted LargeObject was not used...possible ?

I maintain that it was a table or index that was corrupted, not
a large object.

Laurenz Albe

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